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Cedar Blade Box

This Cedar "Blade" (or feather) Box  is made with top quality aromatic cedar and hardware, using strong, glued joints. After being sanded, it was coated with shellac or an oil & urethane finish for protecting the wood and to keep it looking nice for years to come. You may further add a light coat of paste wax for additional protection from dust and light scratches.


The inside is unfinished in order to allow the wood to release that fine cedar aroma. However, this tends to make it more susceptible to moisture, so we recommend storing it away from high humidity areas such as windows, kitchens and bathrooms. Still, there should be no problem with taking your box to powwows or meetings and for long term storage of fans, feathers, gourds and related items. 


If the box should begin to lose its nice cedar aroma, it can easily be refreshed by very lightly sanding the inside with extra fine sandpaper.


Cedar is an oily wood and sometimes this oil may leach out, so we recommend lining your box with cotton or wool cloth in order to protect the contents. Further, cedar oil reacts with mothballs (especially the paradichlorobenzene variety) and can make a real mess so we suggest NOT using mothballs in your box.


Cedar Fan Box Dimensions: 17-1/2" x 4" x 1-12"

Cedar Blade Box

  • For returns please email us at Each return will be dealt with on an individual basis. Re-stocking fees may apply. Shipping is non-refundable.

  • Please be aware that aromatic red cedar lumber contains knots and is unavoidably prone to checking and cracks. It "moves" more than other woods and may develop small cracks over time as it seasons and dries out. The best grade of kiln dried cedar that is available, but this is just the nature of aromatic cedar.

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